Автор Тема: HOW TO PERFORM SELF - HYPNOSIS  (Прочетена 12883 пъти)

Неактивен theshadow

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« -: 4 Май 2018 08:23:42, Петък »
You have to deal with self – hypnosis when you are completely healthy. Take one or two hours for the self – hypnosis. It can be your convenient time or at night, when you go to sleep. The room, which you will use  must be warm and ventilated.

Lie on your back. Close your eyes and focus on yourself. You should feel the location of your body. Then focus on your breathing and relax. You should not allow any side-thoughts. Every occurrence of thought diverts you from your goal, because you return to your normal daily condition.

Focus on your breathing. Your breathing should be rhythmic and easy. Your focus on breathing must continue until the thoughts disappear from the mind. When this happens, stop observing your breathing.

There is a specific transition to a state of self hypnosis - there is warming in certain areas of the body and finally  you lose a sense of the location of the body for a moment or during the whole process of self – hypnosis. Then consciousness begins to work differently. Clarity of mind is increased and all thoughts are clearer and with more depth. When you experience this condition, you have achieved self – hypnosis.

By gaining experience you will be able to enter self-hypnotic state in a second without the need of using the practice mentioned above.

If you fail to achieve autohypnosis from the first time, don’t worry. It is not necessary to achieve it from the first time. The first time you can fall asleep before you can achieve autohypnosis. This is not excluded and not dangerous.

Author: The Shadow
Познанието е само за тези, които са готови да жертват време и усилия, за да се сдобият с него.