Автор Тема: BASIC PRINCIPLES OF MAGIC  (Прочетена 12648 пъти)

Неактивен theshadow

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« -: 4 Май 2018 08:20:20, Петък »
Thoughts are conscious and unconscious. So there are two basic ways to make magic by thoughts. One way is by using awareness. The other way is to use the unconscious.

When we practice magic at the level of awareness, then the result of the magic is realized immediately, unless otherwise specified.

When magic is done at an unconscious level or as a combination of awareness and unconscious, then the result of the magic is realized gradually to the overall achievement of the goal at some point. One can get what he wants, but he may not get it. The reason is that things that aren`t aware, aren`t under control, until they get into the sphere of awareness.

Therefore it isn`t desirable to have things that aren`t unconscious elements when we practice magic. This will avoid receiving unwanted consequences.

What is the thought? It isn`t a mystery, which in some strange, vague way, appears in the brain. The thought Is unraveled by science. Thought is a combination of electromagnetism, biochemistry and nervous system.

Thoughts are created by the brain. The human brain is isolated from the environment and there is no direct touch with them. However, the brain is informed from the sensory system for what is happening. Science  knows, that the sensory system is composed of more than five senses. This perception of the senses to certain physical characteristics of the energy have certain limits beyond which information isn`t perceived. Also, characteristics of a certain type of energy can’t be perceived if there are no receptors for them.

From all of this follows the basic principles of magic:

1. If you want something, except usage of thought under the influence of a magical trance, you must have the will, to direct your thoughts and the ability to make the thought work. The reason for this is, that if you aren`t using both - your will and your thoughts, then you only think something, which doesn`t turn into action.

2. The universe acts according to certain physical laws and if you want to break them, you will find that you aren`t more powerful than the universe. Magic uses the physical laws of the universe.

3. You can’t work with force, which you do not know how to manage. For example, you want to use levitation,  but do you know how to control gravity? If you don’t know, then you won’t levitate.

4. It is necessary to know and manage causality . Practicing magic is directed to, how  one can get basic control over the cause and how far will he go In provocation of the consequent  depends on him.

PRACTICE: Clearing consciousness.

In a meditative trance to monitor random thoughts. The ultimate goal is to reach a trance state, in which there are no thoughts. The exercise is performed 1 hour a day for a week.

Author: The Shadow
Познанието е само за тези, които са готови да жертват време и усилия, за да се сдобият с него.